Five SEO Tips for Small Businesses

Explore the five key building blocks of a good SEO strategy

What is SEO?

Search engine optimisation is how a website attracts its visitors. It’s a process that involves improving and optimising both the quality and the quantity of your website’s traffic.

Every website needs a good SEO strategy to thrive in the digital world, and a good SEO strategy is one that meets its users’ search needs by providing them with what they’re looking for as easily as possible. Here we go through five of the most fundamental building blocks of a successful SEO strategy.  

Five SEO Tips for Your Business

SEO is mainly about creating relevant, high-quality content for your website’s users to interact with. Doing so makes their experience a good one which, coupled with a well-designed website, ensures people keep coming to your website. Read on to find out more. 

1. Create High-Quality Content

Writing content is one thing, but consistently producing high-quality content is another.
Your website needs to produce the kind of content that your visitors want to see. You can get an idea of this by using SEO tools like SemRush and Google Search Console, which will tell you the search terms your target audience searches for. Once you’ve got an understanding of this, you can cater your content to it. 

2. Build Your Keyword List

Keywords are possibly the most important asset your website has when it comes to attracting search traffic. A keyword is a word that appears in the search queries used by search engine users. If your website has the right keywords, it will appear in front of users who search for them. This is why having a healthy keyword list, and doing keyword research is important. 

3. Ensure Your Website is User-Friendly

Your website needs to work to keep its visitors interested. Your products and services should be clear, obvious, and in the middle of the page. If people can’t immediately see what your business is about, they’ll waste no time leaving your site to explore elsewhere. 

As well as this, navigating through your website should be as easy as possible. Navigation is largely aided by internal linking, whereby one page on your website links to another, so you can guide users to the pages you want them to land on, like a contact form or a product listing page. 

4. Develop Your Technical SEO Plan

Technical SEO is best thought of as your website’s architecture. It’s what holds your website up and keeps it working. Different from on-page SEO, which is the part of your website users actually see, technical SEO is the nooks and crannies of your website and often involves a dedicated tech professional to ensure everything is in full working order.

Although it can be complex, technical SEO is as important as on-page SEO and having it in good working order can bring several significant benefits to how to website appears to its users. 

5. Link Building

Link building involves getting other websites to link to your website, which gives your site credence and means the algorithms that search engines use look are your site more favourably. 

The higher the quality and quantity of your backlinks, the more trustworthy it can seem. This is because search engines see a website that has lots of other websites linking to it as reliable and valuable for the searcher, so you appear higher on the list of search results. 

Incorporating the above into your SEO plan will give your website a good SEO foundation. If you have the above in good working order, your business’s website will have all of the key features of a good SEO architecture.